There are distinctive differences between Flying Ants vs Termites and they are important to know. Flying ants are different than flying termites. Flying termites come out in the spring and are often the first indication that a serious, potentially damaging, termite infestation might be in the works on your property. Termites and ants require different treatment methods, so knowing the difference is key.
Flying Ants vs Termites
Flying Ants
Are your flying ants swarming? When an ant colony is first starting up, all the ants it produces are sterile, female worker ants. But when a colony decides to expand, it starts producing winged, sexually mature males and females.
These ants take off in a swarm called a nuptial flight and begin to mate. When female ants have been fertilized, they start a new colony. So, that’s why you see all those ants flying around. These ants aren’t as destructive as carpenter ants or termites, but they’re still annoying.
Before you act, it’s good to ensure you know the insect you are dealing with. A quick rundown of some very common flying household ants would include winged pavement ants, flying ants, carpenter ants, and termites. When they fly around you they all might appear to be the same but, when you catch them resting and not in flight you can take a closer look and ID it. Typically, the trickiest to tell the difference between are flying ants and termites.
Are Flying Ants Dangerous?
These huge swarms of flying ants can be a bit intimidating, but the ants have only one thing on their minds: mating. Ant swarmers don’t represent any greater danger to you than your typical ant that crawls.
Flying Ant Bites
If a species of ant doesn’t bite or sting, the alates of that species won’t bite or sting either. If the ant species bites, like a carpenter ant, the winged carpenter ants can still bite if they feel threatened. If the ant species stings as fire ants do, the winged fire ants can still do the same.
It’s highly unlikely ants will bite or sting you while they’re flying. So don’t run headlong into any mating swarms and you should be fine. Do be careful if they are crawling, just as you would with any other ant.
Flying Ants in the Home
When winged ants are found within a home, likely, that a colony has already been established or entered through an opening like an open window.
Get Rid of Flying Ants in Your Home
One way to get rid of flying ants in your home is by mixing one part liquid dish soap with two parts water in a spray bottle. Then, add a few drops of peppermint oil to the mixture, shake the bottle, and spray the ants wherever you see them.
If you are not too fond of the idea of DIY flying ant removal ideas, consider hiring a pest control service to remove the flying ants from your house.
How to identify Flying Ants vs Termites:
- While both species have four wings, termite wings are uniform in size. Winged ants have noticeably larger wings in the front than the pair in the back.
- Termite antennae are almost straight where the ant’s antennae are elbowed.
- Termite wings are twice as long as their body. Ant wings are shorter and more proportionate to their bodies.
- Termites have wide bodies without pinched waists.
- Ants appear distinctly segmented, because of their thin waist. Termites have a broad waist and are mostly a uniform width along their entire body.
Other bugs May Look like Flying Termites
Mayflies are a type of winged bug that looks like termites when they are flying. However, when they are stationary, it is easier to tell that they are not flying termites. Similar to flying termites, mayflies are most active during the spring and summer months.
Also, mayflies become active after rain, just as flying termites do. Because all of the activities of mayflies are similar to that of flying termites, it is easy to confuse the two flying bugs.
Winged/Flying Insects – Control Measures
If you’re finding winged insects around your home, it is important to do something about it. While carpenter ants are certainly much less of a threat than termites, they can still do a tremendous amount of damage if left untreated.
Carpenter ants are also a warning sign that your home is being damaged by water. These insects prefer soft, rotted, or damaged wood to create their tunnels and nest galleries. If you have a broken or obstructed gutter system, it can be very bad for the equity of your house.
If you have a flying ant infestation or termite infestation in your home, contact a local pest and termite control company for termite treatment, to prevent termites and prevent structural damage caused by termites.
ABC Termite & Pest Control – Local Pest Control Exterminators in Omaha & Lincoln
Find a reputable local moles & voles pest control Omaha or Lincoln professional that you TRUST and ask about their pest management services. You may think you are saving money however, a single misapplication could have significant and adverse or deadly consequences for you or your loved ones. If you suspect you have a termite problem, contact the Omaha termite and pest control experts at ABC to schedule a termite inspection.