It’s one of those mysteries that repeats itself on an annual basis. No one really knows why it happens and this is one enigma that every gardener would happily do without. The amount of damage that an invasion of Japanese beetles can do to your garden is impressive, considering their size. However, it’s even more annoying.
How to Get rid of Japanese Beetles in your Yard?
A whole host of invasive species are enemies to the gardener. Although, perhaps none more so than this creepy little feller. The Japanese beetles are capable of completely destroying the leaves of your prized rose bushes. All while also ruining both the health and aesthetics of your garden as a whole.
So what can you do about them?
In order to win this battle, you have to think like a Japanese beetle. You also have to understand how the life cycle works. It’s only then that you can work out a plan of action to bring that lifecycle to an abrupt end, on a mass scale.
One particular method which some gardeners use may be considered even a little sadistic. However, who really cares when your garden is at risk? A simple bucket of water can be transformed into a Japanese beetle’s worst nightmare. Just add a squirt of dish soap. Simply scoop the bugs up and throw them on in. It shouldn’t take them long to drown and they’ll be gone from your garden forever.
Dust buster
Other people choose to use a dust buster or mini vac, to suck the bugs up. Unless you figure out a way to interrupt the life cycle, the bugs will keep reappearing and driving you crazy.
Typically, the bugs appear in June when mating takes place and the females lay their eggs on leaves at the start of July. When the larvae hatch they burrow underground and start to feed, almost immediately, on the underside of your lawn, mowing it from underneath almost.
To break the ever-perpetuating cycle of more and more bugs every year, apply insecticide to your lawn when the grubs are young and near the surface. A really heavy coating will ensure that most, if not all of the grubs are finished off for good. Organic methods such as Milky Spore have varying reports of effectiveness, or if you want to get really creative, you could source and introduce nematodes to your garden, a natural predator of the Japanese beetle.
Whichever way you choose, timing is key to interrupt the life cycle of these little critters and rid yourself of this problem for good.
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