Hornets are a subspecies of wasps and are one of the larger sized variety of the stinging insect, reaching up to 5.5 cm (2.2 in) in length. Hornets are among the most dangerous and feared pests by homeowners when they are seen flying around the yard or ,even worse, when they are setting up a nest beside your home or a tree in your yard.
Whether you’ve noticed hornets making a nest around your home or not, this is generally one stinging pest you’d prefer to not deal with whenever possible. Here are some hornets pest control solutions in Omaha & Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hornets Pest Control Lincoln & Omaha, NE
There are two kinds of hornets, one is the European hornet, which as the name suggests, is primarily found in Europe. Bald faced hornets have white marks on their head and thorax and build nests that are covered in a papery shell. European hornets are brown colored with orange marks and make their nests in tree stumps or a secluded area in a building. The hornet that is more common to the United States is known as the bald-faced hornet which actually isn’t a hornet at all and is more closely related to yellow jackets. No matter the case, folks have be accustomed to calling this stinging pest a hornet.
Difference between yellow jacket and a bald-faced hornets pest control?
The fact that a bald-faced hornet prefers to nest in aerial settings up in a tree or an outdoor corner of a house compared to a yellow jacket which mainly establishes nests underground.
Use the description and image above to help you in identifying hornets on your property. If you are having trouble, reach out to us and one of our pest control experts in Omaha or Lincoln, will help you to properly ID the pest as well as offer you product recommendations for control.
What Attracts Hornets?
Hornets, much like their cousins the wasp and the honeybee, are drawn by a few basic needs: food, water, and shelter. What may surprise many homeowners, however, is just how perfect a habitat the average home or backyard can really be for hornets.
Like many other living organisms, hornets in search of a new home prioritize finding water first. Many species can sense humidity changes in the air, which can draw a colony to seek out high-humidity areas with plenty of water freely available. By keeping your lawn, home, and outdoor area relatively free of standing water, you can make your property that much less attractive to any hornet looking for a home.
When it comes to seeking out sustenance, hornets act much like their cousin, the harmless honeybee – only instead of hunting flowers, they’re hunting the bees themselves, as well as any other meaty treats that they may find. This is because hornets are carnivorous, and aren’t afraid to feast on some carrion or hunt other insects in their quest to stay fed.
And, much like their other vespine cousins, hornets also crave sugary-sweet fluids, like nectar, soda, juice, and other sweet summertime treats. By keeping these sugary drinks and food items securely stored and out of the range of any hornets, you can make sure there’s nothing too tempting for a passing hornet colony to pass up.
Once a hornet colony has found food and water, it will likely look to start setting up a nest somewhere relatively close by and undisturbed. More often than not, they’ll seek out wood – wood piles, dead trees, lumber, sheds, wood houses, and basically any other source of fiber they can use to construct their basketball-sized nest. Keep these areas clean and clear and your property won’t be as big of a temptation.
Hornets Pest Control Treatment
It’s important to remember that although hornets are pesky pests who can produce a pretty painful sting. They’re also critical to their environment. That’s because hornets generally prey on other insects, which can help to control more devastating pests from doing more damage than the hornets themselves. If the nest is located too close to your home or outdoor space, however, removal and relocation of the nest is almost always warranted.
In almost every case, it’s better to have an experienced pest management professional handle any issues with hornet nests and nest relocation. That’s because a swarm of hornets can do some serious damage without the right protective gear, and only by using the right strategies can a professional safely and harmlessly relocate the nest without doing much damage to the colony.
ABC Termite & Pest Control – Local Pest Control Exterminators in Omaha & Lincoln
Find a reputable local moles & voles pest control Omaha or Lincoln professional that you TRUST and ask about their pest management services. Check them out on the BBB and read their reviews on Google to see what kinds of experiences other people have had with them.
You may think you are saving money however, a single misapplication could have significant and adverse or deadly consequences for you or your loved ones.