Having a pest infestation in your home can bear an uncanny resemblance to being haunted! You hear scratching noises or a bump in the night, and you know that not everything is as it should be… and yet you cannot see the cause of all the commotion! What is the big difference between a ghost and an infestation? The latter is real life and leaves some tell-tale signs you can use to track them down. The good news is that you can find the culprits and end the feeling your house may be haunted by pests once and for all!
Signs Your House Is Haunted by Pests
With that in mind, read on, and we will look at the top signs that your home may be “haunted” by pests!
One thing that ghosts tend not to do is leave little droppings around your premises! That’s precisely what you’ll find if you have an infestation. However, this is one of the very first signs in many cases.
Look for small, round droppings around your real estate and any other feces too small to be from the neighbor’s cat.
Imaginary Noises or Haunted By Pests?
This is where we see the overlap between an infestation and a haunting! Both tend to create an unnerving scratching noise that can come from your attic, the wall space, or even under the floorboards. Neither is welcome!
Of course, the chances are that this is an infestation rather than a haunting for most of us. That means you might hear scrabbling over your bedroom or the occasional rustling in the walls. This at least tells you roughly where the infestation is located. As a result, it makes it easier for the exterminators to go to work!
While a poltergeist might throw your favorite ornaments around with reckless abandon, a pest is more likely to:
- Chew through electrical wiring
- Damage your furniture
- Stain your belongings
- Compromise support features in the home
This is more frustrating, but again, it can be a helpful indication of the presence of an unwanted guest (and a clue as to what that pest may be!).
Look for damage around possible holes, cracks, or openings. These are potential entry points. You may also spot gnaw marks around carpets or rotting on wood.
Similarly, you might just notice that your television signal suddenly starts acting strange! In this case, the obvious issue is that someone or something chewed through the wires!
Seeing The Unwanted Visitors
You don’t need to be a genius to figure this out, but sometimes the biggest clue that you have an infestation comes when you stumble upon a bunch of bugs or other unwelcome visitors hanging out in your home!
The key is knowing where to look, so be sure to check those dark areas. Look in secluded spaces such as:
- Basements
- Attics
- Cabinets
- Crawl spaces
Unpleasant Smells
Many critters have an unfortunate tendency to create unwanted smells. These unpleasant smells may be caused by the animals themselves, their waste, or even their rotting corpses. It’s not a pleasant thought, right?
This can then actually attract other unwanted visitors to make their way to your home as well. Flies are a particularly common example.
Circumstantial Evidence
Once you suspect there may be an infestation and not your mind playing tricks on you after ghost stories with your friends; it’s time to confirm those beliefs. Don’t worry: there’s no need for a seance! Instead, you should ask yourself whether an infestation is likely.
This may be true if you tend to let food crumbs stay on the floor too long or if there are openings where they might have gotten in. Likewise, you should consider:
Do you keep your dustbin too close to your home, or do you have things in your shed that could attract unwanted visitors?
The next step is to try and set out a trap. You can do this if you think you might have rats or other vermin in your home. This way, you can see them with your own two eyes!
Once you know for sure that it’s an infestation, you have only really one question left to ask:
Who you gonna’ call? (Exterminators!)
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Find a reputable local moles & voles pest control Omaha or Lincoln professional that you TRUST and ask about their pest management services. You may think you are saving money however, a single misapplication could have significant and adverse or deadly consequences for you or your loved ones. Contact ABC Termite & Pest Control in Omaha & Lincoln, NE today!