Mice and rats can be some of the most challenging rodents to exterminate. Their presence leads to thousands of dollars worth of damage if not handled properly. Mice are smart, and the source of the infestation isn’t always easy to find, mainly because of their size. Mouse traps are a guaranteed way to reduce the mice population. Also, it reduces the need for potentially dangerous poisons and chemicals. But what if your mousetrap won’t work, or the mice have outsmarted your efforts? Even though a mousetrap is meant to be a sure way to deal with mice problems, there are some things you should know if the method hasn’t been successful so far. This guide explains why mice sometimes evade initial efforts and what you can do to improve your defenses.

Why Won’t My Mousetrap Work?

Here’s your guide to why mice sometimes manage to evade initial efforts.  Learn what you can do to improve your defenses.

You’re Using the Wrong Bait

One of the most common reasons mice evade the trap is using the wrong bait. Most people imagine that mice love cheese. They are surprised when the cheese remains on the mousetrap, and there is little interest from the mice. Cheese isn’t the best way to lure mice to a mousetrap. The following might make a better choice for a curious mouse, they include:

  • Jelly
  • Peanut butter
  • Bread
  • Food scraps

Placing the Bait in the Wrong Place

Make sure you place the bait in the appropriate spot on the trap. The bait should be placed where the mouse must step on the trigger plate to access it. Sometimes, the mouse can wiggle the bait out of place if you give them too much movement room.

Too Much Room Around the Trap

Mousetraps should be placed alongside walls and cupboards. This creates a barrier between the trap and the mouse’s ability to escape it. If you leave too much movement room around the mousetrap, it becomes too easy for mice to walk around it. For example, don’t place a mouse trap in the middle of a room.

Mice who have seen their companions enter a trap will be less likely to do the same themselves later. Therefore, you shouldn’t put a trap in the same spot more than twice.

They have Access to Something Better

If the mice keep avoiding the traps entirely, then the reason could be that they have access to something much better. An abundant food source is available elsewhere. If that is the case, they might be too full to be interested in what you give them as bait.

Consider a sweeter, more attractive type of bait that mice could be more likely to be attracted to.

Ineffective Location of the Mouse Trap

A mousetrap should be placed where you are sure the mice will move through. The best places to put mousetraps are in cupboards or where you have found evidence of their movement (like droppings), though this isn’t always automatically effective.

Move mousetraps if:

  • They don’t have the right effect
  • Mice begin to avoid the spot

You Might Also Have Rats

A distinct difference between a trap used for mice and another used for rats is the size. If your mousetraps keep getting triggered without the presence of a mouse, then you might have rats instead – and the mousetrap is too small to snap down hard enough.

Rats can wiggle out of mousetraps, though it will trigger them.

Hire a Professional – ABC Termite & Pest Control Company – Omaha & Lincoln

If you’re concerned about pest infestations, or if you want a professional to evaluate your home’s pest prevention strategies, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local Nebraska pest control expert.

Find a reputable pest control company in Omaha or Lincoln that you TRUST and ask about their termite inspection and pest management services. You may think you are saving money however, a single misapplication could have significant and adverse or deadly consequences for you or your loved ones. Contact ABC Termite & Pest Control in Omaha & Lincoln, NE to talk with an exterminator today!

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