Ants are a pretty important part of nature and serve an important purpose within their natural habitat. For example, ants can carry mushroom spores from one place to another. However, ant infestations can quickly become a problem when the critters have moved into your home by their thousands. Ants can cause a lot of damage to your house, mainly when ants are found near (or in) food cupboards. Read on to learn how to identify and prevent ant infestations in the home and how you can be sure that you’re dealing with ants instead of termites.
How to Identify and Prevent Ant Infestations in Your Home
Do I Have Termites or Ants?
Termites and ants are similar creatures, but they’re not the same thing. The first step is to establish which is your home’s primary problem. Here are a few hints:
- Ants will seek out food sources, whereas termites feed on wood.
- Termites have straight antennae, whereas ants have a curve to theirs. This helps them to communicate.
- You will generally find more signs of destruction, such as sawdust, where termites gather.
- Termites and ants are both attracted to water-damaged wood.
- If you find ant trails near food cupboards or entryways to the home, you are more likely to have an infestation of ants.
What Impacts Ant Populations
You may find different types of ants in your house. Odorous house ants, little black ants, and carpenter ants are common.
Ants can be a more likely problem before or after the rainy season. Sometimes, ants will collect in the home as a shelter against the weather.
Other factors can impact ant populations and cause them to flourish.
These ant populations can flourish when there are changes to their environment or there have been changes to their food sources.
If ants have their current habitat disturbed, or there might be a better food source elsewhere, they move – and usually, move into homes!
What Attracts Ants To Your Home
Ants have a strong sense of smell and are attracted to sugary substances and sweet smells. Worker ants will travel a long way to find a food source. They are the scouts of the ant colony.
Common ant species are attracted to:
- Crumbs
- Spilled food or drinks
- Dirty dishes
- Poorly sealed food storage containers
- Pet food: ants are attracted to the sugar and protein in kibble
Water and other factors can also attract odorous house ants, including:
- Stagnant water
- Leaky pipes
- Warm, humid conditions
- Indoor house plants
Signs of an Ant Infestation
Ant infestations leave apparent signs, though the most obvious of them is seeing that you have an increasing number of ants in the home.
However, there can also be more subtle signs of ant infestations. One example is “ant trails.” These are trails where ants have walked or trails of crumbs where they might have carried food away.
They can also leave signs near food. Ants can be seen climbing into food packaging in cabinets or kitchen counters.
Get Rid of And Prevent Ant Infestations
Ant infestations can be challenging to get rid of. However, there are many things that ants find highly unpleasant.
You can use household items like white vinegar or chalk to deter ants. These products can create barriers between places you don’t want ants to frequent.
Spray white vinegar everywhere you’d like ants to avoid. Draw clear lines with chalk to create a barrier. Chalk causes ants to lose their trail, eventually forcing them to relocate.
A severe ant infestation could call for professional help. Call a local exterminator if you have a recurring or serious ant problem. They can take care of the entire ant colony, using environmentally friendly pesticides, ant baits, and other ant-killer products, and give you ways to prevent ant infestations in the future.
Hire a Professional – ABC Termite & Pest Control Company – Omaha & Lincoln
If you’re concerned about pest infestations, or if you want a professional to evaluate your home’s pest prevention strategies, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local Nebraska pest control expert.
Find a reputable pest control company in Omaha or Lincoln that you TRUST and ask about their termite inspection and pest management services. You may think you are saving money however, a single misapplication could have significant and adverse or deadly consequences for you or your loved ones. Contact ABC Termite & Pest Control in Omaha & Lincoln, NE to talk with an exterminator today!